Dear friends,
Pressure works! Yesterday afternoon, the LGBT Center reversed itself, and offered Queers Against Israeli Apartheid a meeting room for tonight's meeting. Thanks for all your very effective emails, calls and action RSVPs.
Pressure works! Yesterday afternoon, the LGBT Center reversed itself, and offered Queers Against Israeli Apartheid a meeting room for tonight's meeting. Thanks for all your very effective emails, calls and action RSVPs.
But the huge problem at the LGBT Center is not fixed.
- The Center is clearly still panicked over queer political organizing -- they jettisoned their whole space request process because they didn't like the name of a queer group.
- The Center board is still refusing to meet with queer organizers about these major accountability issues. Supposedly they've hired a consultant to "figure this stuff out" -- but they're not talking to the community!
- Board meetings are still closed-door, unlike other queer community centers.
- The right-wing gay forces who touched off this firestorm are gearing up again -- hoping to claim that allowing political groups to meet is a violation of the Center's non-profit status. It's ridiculous, but also scary.
PLEASE COME TONIGHT: It's still very useful and important to be at the Center at 6:30pm tonight.
The Center has just started to feel the pressure -- but truly, they still haven't gotten the message that they can't act this way. Filling the room (and the hallway!) tonight will help them get it.
Tell the Center's board: We refuse to have to organize actions and sit-ins in order to use our community space.
The Center must be transparently run, and be accountable to all queers.
The board must open its meetings, restore Siegebusters' right to meet there, and meet with Queers for an OpenLGBT Center.
Send your email from here:
Join us tonight! Meet in Rm 412 to support Queers Against Israeli Apartheid. Overflow into the halls!